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+Whisper Basic Training

Categories Whisper Traiining

What I will learn?

  • Overview of Whisper products and the near miracle results you can achieve
  • How to wear Whispers for maximum benefits
  • The power benefits of the Whisper Tester
  • How to perform a self calibration
  • How to perform a Whisper Scanning
  • How to perform a one set balancing
  • How to perform a three set balancing
  • How to perform a deep relaxation balancing
  • How to perform a chakra Balancing
  • These and so much more.

Course Curriculum

Lesson 1: What are Whispers and How they work
We will cover what Whispers are made from and many of the ways they improve your life!

  • Draft Lesson
  • Lesson1
  • What Whispers are and what they do

Lesson 2: Whisper Tester
Learn about the many applications you can use with the Whisper Tester

Lesson 3: Self Calibration

Lesson 4: Self-Balancing

Lesson 5: One Set Balancing

Lesson 6: Deep Relaxation Balancing

Lesson 7: Chakra Balancing

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Material Includes

  • Whisper Basic Training Manual (Digital Copy)


  • Purchase of 1 set of Whispers
  • Purchase of 1 Whisper Tester

Target Audience

  • Whisper Beginners